Pablo A. Mendez Lazaro


Pablo A. Méndez-Lázaro
PR-CLIMAH, University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

Dr. Pablo Méndez-Lázaro is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Environmental Health of the University of Puerto Rico, Graduate School of Public Health. He is an active Member of the Puerto Rico Climate Change Council, and one of the six (6) scientists nominated by the Governor of Puerto Rico and confirmed by both the Senate and House of Representatives of Puerto Rico for the Executive Committee on Climate Change Adaptation Plan. Pablo is currently PI and Co-PI on NASA research projects exploits new technologies in ways that benefit all segments of socio-ecological and technological systems by applying Earth Observing Data and Remote Sensing to research on public health and vulnerable populations. Recently he has being invited by the US Global Change Research Program to serve as the Chapter Lead for the US Caribbean Chapter of the Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5).