NOW OPEN! – Late-Breaker Abstract Submissions: September 1–14, 2021
IMED 2021 is opening its window for late-breaker abstracts between September 1 and September 14, 2021! If you have an abstract that contains data unavailable prior to July 14, you may submit it online for consideration. Late-breaker abstracts are highly competitive; only abstracts containing new, cutting-edge information and not retrospective studies will be considered. Note that high scoring IMED 2021 abstracts will be published as a special supplement to the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Abstract submission is closed as of July 15th*
We are excited to have received your abstract submissions on COVID-19 research, among other topics you have been working on during this challenging year. We only hope this has given you the chance to contribute to advancing the field of emerging infectious diseases, surveillance and epidemic preparedness. If your abstract is accepted, you will have the opportunity to share and discuss your findings with colleagues, gain feedback from expert faculty, collaborate with other professionals in the field, and expand your professional portfolio. Highest scoring abstracts will be published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
The late-breaker submission window is now closed.
We would like to thank everyone for submitting their abstracts and late-breakers to this year’s IMED 2021 meeting. We would also like to thank the IMED 2021 abstract reviewers for their time and expertise – 49 reviewers from more than 30 countries reviewed and scored submitted abstracts. We are humbled to have received your submissions on COVID-19 research, among other topics you have been working on during these challenging times.
We hope that this year’s fully virtual conference will give you the chance to contribute to advancing the field of emerging infectious diseases, surveillance, and epidemic preparedness. The authors of selected abstracts will have the opportunity to share and discuss findings with colleagues, gain feedback from expert faculty, collaborate with other professionals in the field, and expand their professional portfolio. Highest scoring abstracts will be published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
- Antimicrobial resistance & Antimicrobial Stewardship
- Bioterrorism and biological warfare
- Big Data, Genomics and Outbreaks
- Climate change and ecological factors in disease emergence
- COVID-19 Pathogenesis
- COVID-19 Diagnostics and therapeutics
- COVID-19 Vaccines
- COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control
- COVID-19 Big Data, surveillance and contact tracing
- COVID-19 Ethics and Misinformation
- Diseases of animals
- Ethical Issues in Infectious Diseases
- Education advancements in One Health
- Emerging and neglected zoonotic diseases
- Emerging infectious diseases in displaced populations
- Foodborne and waterborne diseases
- Inequalities and access in infectious diseases
- Infections related to travel and migration
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Influenza and other respiratory infections
- Innovations in diagnostic tests for emerging diseases
- New approaches to outbreak surveillance and monitoring
- New pathogen discovery
- Outbreak modeling and forecasting
- Outbreak response and control
- Outbreak control and response logistic challenges
- One Health in Action
- Political factors in disease emergence and response
- Public communication of outbreaks and emerging diseases
- Rumors and misinformation in infectious diseases
- Vaccines and emergence of vaccine preventable diseases
- Vector Borne diseases
- Other
Authors with original research are encouraged to submit abstracts related to the above mentioned topics and related fields of investigation. After the conclusion of the conference, high ranking abstracts will be published in a supplement to the International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID).
Submission of multiple abstracts on a single study may result in the rejection of one or more abstracts.
Clinical case submissions describing one case will not be accepted. Case series will be considered for presentation.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- The late-breaker submission window is now closed.
- Accepted abstracts may be presented as ePosters, and select abstracts will be presented as virtual oral presentations.
- Abstracts acceptance / rejection notifications will be sent by August 31, 2021.
- Authors are requested to submit abstracts in ENGLISH.
- Abstracts must be submitted online.
- The abstract should not exceed 350 words without a presentation title. Abstracts that do not comply will be disqualified from IMED.
- Abstracts will be selected for either an ePoster presentation or an oral, virtual presentation. Selection will be made based on reviewer scores.
- Abstract titles should not be longer than two lines and should NOT be in all caps but Title Case
(e.g. correct: Virological Investigations in Native Bat Species from Germany) - All abstracts must be structured as follows:
Purpose: A statement of the hypothesis or research question.
Methods & Materials: An explanation of the study design and experimental methods & materials used.
Results: A concise summary of the major findings of the experiment or study. Sufficient data must be provided to permit evaluation by the reviewers and public reading the abstracts.
Statements such as “additional information to be presented at the meeting” are not acceptable.
Conclusion: Summary of the overall findings and the importance of the study. - Scientific nomenclature:
- Genus and species names should be written in full on first mention and then abbreviated on subsequent mention.
- Systematic names (genus, family and higher orders): capitalized (Chlamydia, Enterobacteriaceae, Picornaviridae).
- Taxonomic names: are to be italicized, e.g. Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium difficile.
- Non-systematic names (e.g. plural): lower case and not italicized (group A streptococci, mycobacteria, chlamydiae).
- Use generic drug names: lower case (penicillin).
- Avoid using brand names; if needed: capitalized with trademark symbol (Rocephin®).
- Submitted abstracts must describe unpublished work (as full papers) at the moment of the submission.
- Each abstract will be reviewed and scored by at least two reviewers. More than 50 reviewers representing 30+ countries will be involved in the review and scoring process. The accepted abstract will be assigned to appropriate ePoster or oral sessions. A notification will be emailed to the abstract submitter.
- All authors who wish to present their abstract at IMED 2021 must pay the conference registration fee.
Please contact Doris Steinbach if you have any questions regarding abstract submissions.